
The World has Changed...

A permanent chill has settled over Chernarus. After the world governments lost control of nuclear power, the skies darkened and winter took hold. The relentless freeze has driven wildlife into the towns and cities in search of food. Only the infected seem untroubled by this cold new reality.

Server Details

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UNFORGIVING is a PC DayZ server based on the Winter Chernarus map. The aim is to be entertaining and more of a challenge than Vanilla, without being so difficult that it puts people off. We want to foster a sense of community and cameraderie, but whether or not you join in is up to you.

There's no room for moochers or slackers here. Admins will not help you except for server-related issues. Can't figure something out? Ask a player.

Last Updated:
17th November 2024, 16:37 (UK)